Prepare for the arrival of massive, awe-inspiring creatures that will challenge your tactics and threaten to trample everything in their path. These colossal foes require new rules unique to Warhost, making them difficult to defeat. Their presence adds a thrilling new layer of strategy, increasing the complexity and excitement of each battle.
Large Creatures require special rules for your games. Each profile will feature a Large(X) designation as an ability, where (X) represents the amount of damage they must sustain in a single round of combat to be removed. If they survive the combat, their wounds reset, and they continue fighting. However, they receive a Weary Token if they incur more than half of their maximum wounds without being eliminated. These tokens accumulate during a round and are discarded during the housekeeping phase.
Large(X) - Large creature with multiple wounds, where (X) is the amount of damage they need to take in a single round of combat to be removed.
When working out who controls an objective, if a Large Creature is involved, the value of (X) counts as the number of Warriors for controlling or contesting Objectives. So a single Large(4) creature will control an objective unless its opponent has five or more warriors within 3".
And finally, how many large creatures can you take in your Warhost and how many fight together in a group? Large creatures are treated as groups of one and are only considered as single models. There is no strict rule regarding how many you can include in your Warhost, but as a guideline, I would recommend limiting it to one per command group.